Olivier Scholtze

Extras/partygoers wanted

Extras/partygoers wanted

(auto-translated from Dutch)

Dear reader,
We are looking for extras for our final assignment for the AV specialist training at the Hilversum media park. We are making a short film of approximately 15 minutes. We think it would be a nice idea to put on the largest possible production with good actors. We have professional equipment, which ensures that we deliver good quality.

What do we offer?
A fantastic opportunity to broaden your portfolio with high production. We as a production see this project as successful as the actors! A nice team and a nice experience.



We are looking for enthusiastic and driven extras who are eager to work on small productions. We are a small team with big ambitions and hope to set up a good project. As an extra you are at a party with a lot of people. The main part of the film takes place there, so it keeps you busy. age between 17 and 20 years

Language requirements

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Expires 26-05-2024