Ken Muyldermans
actor, voice actor
Sint-Katelijne-Waver / BE
about me
After a few years of being absorbed into the gray matter, after yet another course of antibiotics, the doctor prescribed me to go again for what I love to do, with passion and fire! The microbe of playing (acting) suddenly reared its head again. I hope I create an opportunity somewhere through this site... an opportunity for a casting. An opportunity for a fresh start. A 'the right person in the right place' moment... that would be nice!

ask me for
Hoofd- en gastrollen in films, series, theater

Roles in various Flemish soap operas (Wittekerke, Spoed, Familie, Zonestad, ...) Films: Brecht's Dreigroschenfilm, Banker van het Verzet Short films Commercials: Het Nieuwsblad, Visit Brussels, ...

Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Theatre

Ken Muyldermans
Sint-Katelijne-Waver / BE
actor, voice actor